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Testimonial Heather Lee Testimonial Heather Lee

Testimonial: Carrie

“I see a much freer, happier and deeply beautiful woman and I am so so thankful Warrior Fit helped me get here and is continuously helping me get to where I want to be.”

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Heather Lee Heather Lee

Starting Small

“Small things, done consistently, add up to big things in the long run.”

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Heather Lee Heather Lee

Self Sabotage

“Have you ever started working on a fitness goal, only to become derailed? In the end, did the experience leave you feeling frustrated? If the answer is yes, you wouldn’t be alone.”

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Heather Lee Heather Lee

Success Story: Rachael

“I am here to tell you that she has not only reached those goals, but also has made so many new habits a working part of her life already!!”

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tips Heather Lee tips Heather Lee

Motivation vs. Commitment

“Much like a dream, without a plan of action to make that dream happen without a vision or plan to get there, it's only a wish. IF it's a goal there are certain steps to take to get there.”

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Heather Lee Heather Lee

Shifting Your Identity

“Especially in the extremely painful and hard times of life, our identity will become the foundation of how we get through things & the habits we’ve worked so hard to establish will become WHO we are too.”

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Heather Lee Heather Lee

Welcome to Warrior Fit!

“The group where we teach you how to actually have FREEDOM in every area of your life… With your food, with how you feel about what you see in the mirror, and the way you move through life.”

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Heather Lee Heather Lee

Macros, Macros, Macros

“It’s one of those things that gets tossed around when you hear people talking about how they eat & what their diet is like… but what you don’t know - is that they’re the KEY to living a healthy life, without being on a crappy restrictive diet like keto.”

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Heather Lee Heather Lee

Small Beginnings

“How many times have you gone out and bought “all the things” you need to get started on the newest diet you’re trying?”

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Heather Lee Heather Lee

Testimonial - Madison

“Being a warrior is hard, but so is living an unhealthy, unhappy life. Choose your hard and fight for it.”

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