Welcome to Warrior Fit!

Welcome to WARRIOR FIT!

The group where we teach you how to actually have FREEDOM in every area of your life…

With your food, with how you feel about what you see in the mirror, and the way you move through life.

You see, it wasn’t too long ago that I felt TRAPPED.

I was suffering with addiction, I didn’t feel healthy, I HATED what I saw in the mirror

…and I wasn’t crazy about the person I was

I was stuck.

I knew I needed to make a change, and I knew that I needed a strategy to get my life back on track…but I also knew I was BUSY with work, kids, my husband, & life

…so while getting my life in order seemed GREAT - I knew the typical cardio, restrictive diet, and suck it up/push it down mentality WASN’T going to work for me

As I tried different strategies - while the FOCUS was ME feeling my BEST…I started not only looking “better”, but falling IN LOVE with the person I was becoming along the way

That’s how Warrior Fit Academy was born - the ONLY place for women who want to know how to get the body they’ve only thought was a dream, while I you learn how to HEAL & work through what got you “stuck” in the first place.

In this group I’m so excited to share with you some of the tools, tips, and hacks that my clients use to LIVE THEIR BEST LIVES.

Here’s what you can expect to see:

- MORE in-depth tips, tricks, & stories from me than you see on my personal page

- A WEEKLY live training with q&a

- Exclusive workouts, recipes, and food suggestions JUST for the members of this group

- Exclusive giveaways….you guessed it…for this group ONLY

All I as in return is that you:

- Show up from a place of giving, always ready to help support a fellow Warrior

- SHARE with the group (happy’s AND crappy’s)

- INTERACT - this group is no fun when it’s crickets…and I like to know what you guys LOVE (and what you don’t)

- Lastly, please no spamming, promotion, link sharing, or selling of ANY kind in this group, or you will be removed.

Tell me below - What are you MOST excited to learn?

SO EXCITED to help each of you crush it

-Coach Heather


Shifting Your Identity


Macros, Macros, Macros