Join the 6 Week
Level Up Program.

Tired of feeling like crap? Looking to gain confidence, strength, and freedom from diet culture? Then you’re in the right place! Take your health and fitness journey to the next level with Warrior Fit Academy’s 6-Week Level Up Program. This program equips you with the tools and resources necessary to propel you towards your healthiest and best life.

What you unlock by joining our 6 Week Level Up Program

Weekly Accountability Meetings

Feeling isolated in your fitness journey? With Warrior Fit Academy, you're never alone! Join our weekly accountability meetings attended by every member of our Warrior Fit Community. From guest speakers to meditation sessions, and personal sharing about struggles, victories, and success tips – energize your week with people who are cheering you on every step of the way.

Access to a community in your shoes

Feeling overwhelmed on your health journey? You're not alone. Our community at Warrior Fit Academy has been proven to be a massive support system for current Warriors. When you join our programs, you're automatically added to our exclusive Warrior Fit Academy Facebook Group. Here, you can ask questions, connect with others facing similar challenges, celebrate victories, join challenges, and much more. With Warrior Fit Academy, you never have to go it alone.

Meal Plans and Grocery Lists

Feeling lost when it comes to nutrition and achieving your goals? Don't worry, we've got you covered. Gain access to a wealth of resources including meal plans, cookbooks, grocery lists, gut health guides, cooking hacks, and more. Our 6 Week Program is designed to kickstart your journey, establish lasting habits, and propel you towards your goals with confidence.

Daily Check-Ins

Struggling to stay consistent with your health goals? With Warrior Fit Academy's Trainerize App, we've got your back. Benefit from daily check-ins designed to keep you accountable, track your progress, take photos, and chat with our team of coaches. By starting your morning with a check-in, you're setting yourself up for success, setting goals, creating a plan, and receiving the support you need from Warrior Fit Academy.

Access to Warrior Fit Coaches

Seeking personalized guidance and relatable advice to conquer your fitness goals? Our team consists of coaches that have either gone through our programs or have extensive backgrounds in health and fitness. When you join our programs, you'll be surrounded by coaches dedicated to helping you achieve your desired goals. Access direct support from them via our app or our Facebook Community Page, ensuring you receive the assistance you need every step of the way.

Workouts & Challenges

Struggling to find the right workouts for you? Say no more. With our app, access a plethora of workouts, detailed form videos, and engaging challenges, all at your fingertips. Join group challenges to boost your fitness aspirations and infuse excitement into your weekly routine with fresh, enjoyable workouts. Let's reignite your fitness journey and propel you towards your goals with renewed energy.


Ten Principles Our Warriors Lives By:

  • You prioritize your health & happiness because when you take care of you, you show up better for those that matter most to you.

  • You love and belief in yourself is pivotal to your success.

  • Every time you look in the mirror, you affirm and pick out what you love and adore about yourself.

  • Your energy comes from food, what type of energy do you want to supply your body?

    By loving yourself into health, you create more energy to get more things done in your day & feel really good about it.

  • You radiate joy and are able to show others that living a life of health and acceptance really is freedom and happiness.

  • You see the importance of investing into your health now, rather than later.

  • You recognize your habits allow you to grow & step into your new identity. A habit is developed from small choices and decisions over a long period of time.

  • When you create a life of confidence in your own skin — you become unstoppable.

  • You never give up. You fall forward rather than backwards when the going gets tough.

  • As a warrior, you can do ALL things. It’s simply a matter of adjusting your life, utilizing tools, and connecting to your body.

Meet Heather


Devoted wife, mother of two, and faith-based coach, Heather Lee founded Warrior Fit Academy in 2019 to empower individuals to become their best selves. With unwavering faith, she felt called by the Lord to embark on this coaching journey, drawing from her own life experiences as inspiration. Heather's divine purpose lies in guiding others to heal, overcome obstacles, and cultivate self-love. Witnessing individuals thrive as they prioritize their well-being, gain freedom around food, and find peace with their bodies fuels Heather's passion each day. Not only does she find immense joy in witnessing total transformations, but she also draws inspiration from her clients' journeys to continuously strive for her own health and wellness.

Get to know Heather:

What inspired you to be a coach?

It was me being in a dark place myself and coming to the light that led me to want to help other people find the light and live their healthiest and best lives.  In 2005 before I got sober I hated who I was in every way. I could not stop drinking, I had a horrible relationship with food and was riding the yoyo diet train, and I was continually looking for love to fill the void. The bottom line is I was not happy and I continued to look outside myself rather than to the Lord for healing, strength, clarity, and love. Not only did I need the Lord first and foremost, but I needed help healing my trauma, thinking patterns, relationship with food, etc. I believe it was this moment that was the turning point for me and what eventually led me to become a coach in 2009. 

What makes you want to get up in the morning and be your best self?

My faith. My family. My clients. My staff.

What do you feel are your greatest strengths? 

Empathetic, Compassionate, Loving, Gracious, Determined, Grit/Ability to Overcome, Contagious Positive Energy

What are you most proud of?

My sobriety

What is your favorite exercise?

Snatch or Back Squat

What book has had a positive impact on your life?

Atomic Habits  - Permanent change can take a long time. It is all about stacking new habits overtime that can end up equally big things later. It makes me think DO NOT GIVE UP until the miracle happens.


 Real people. Real change. Real Results.*

  • Meet Alex H.

    Obstacle: Busy Mom That Couldn’t Prioritize Her Needs

    Gained: Muscle Strength, Confidence and Healthy Relationship with Food*

    Lost: 41 lbs and 28 inches*

    Testimony: “My body is the happiest it’s been in years. With that huge loss, I’ve gained so much strength in my legs and booty. And my arms and shoulders look good. And my waist – it’s like I literally zipped it up! I have just over a pound to go before I meet my ultimate goal and I know with confidence that I’ll get it in the next couple days. This program works when you do the work! Best part: I eat real food!”*

  • Meet Maddie M.

    Obstacle: Grew Up Idolizing Diet Culture

    Gained: New Passion for Working Out, Freedom and Confidence*

    Lost: 50 lbs and 35 inches*

    Testimony: “With the help of my amazing coaches, I am eating better and rediscovered my passion for working out. It hasn’t been easy in the slightest but I’m so happy that I can finally start to see the progress I’ve made. I finally feel freedom in my body and around food.”*

  • Warrior Fit Academy Before and After

    Meet Megan W.

    Obstacle: High Achiever with Demanding Job

    Gained: Time for Herself, Mental Strength and Tools to Maintain Lifestyle*

    Lost: 25 lbs and 30 inches*

    Testimony: “This program has been such a huge blessing for me. Grateful every day for the love, support and the changes I’m seeing in myself physically and mentally over the past 3 months! I highly recommend you contact them and get more info. You are worth it!”*


6 Week Level Up Program

Join the 6 Week Level Up Program and become better than your best self!

Are you tired of the yo-yo diet cycle, struggling to stay consistent, feeling alone, lacking confidence, or lost with nutrition? It's time for a change. Book a free consultation call now to secure our program at 50% off — just $579 for six weeks of support, accountability, and access to invaluable resources. That's less than $100 a week! Finally, prioritize your needs and tackle the obstacles keeping you from your goals, all while being supported, held accountable, and given access to amazing resources to help you overcome and change your life moving forward. You are worth it. You can do this. You are not alone. It’s time to level up!

Warrior Fit has transformed hundreds of busy women’s lives through consistency and healthy living.

“Warrior Fit is absolutely amazing! They are committed to setting a great example and providing incredible motivation for us. I have worked out with Heather as my trainer for years and nobody else compares. Warrior Fit is knowledgeable, organized, understanding, and accommodating to meet the needs and goals of any client.”

— Deanna H.

“I am beyond grateful that I joined Warrior Fit! I was looking for accountability, healthy meal planning, and to lose weight/get toned. I got so much more! This program has been a total mindset change! My coach is encouraging, uplifting, and empowering while I form new habits for both my physical and mental health.”

— Amy E.

“Warrior Fit has helped me stay consistent and accountable to stick to my goals. I have been able to check in and eat what I plan most days with the help of my coaches and I was given tools to help me actually do workouts that aren’t the same old thing I usually do if I go to the gym on my own. I wake up and want to get my workouts in.”

— Rachael W.


Hear from other Warriors that have been in your shoes and conquered their goals.