We’re passionate about helping you because

We have been in your shoes.

What is Warrior Fit Academy?

Warrior Fit Academy is a comprehensive online platform dedicated to empowering individuals to achieve their health and fitness goals through personalized coaching, holistic wellness programs, and a supportive community environment. We lead people on their journey to becoming their best selves by providing expert guidance, evidence-based strategies, and a compassionate approach to wellness. At Warrior Fit Academy, we believe in fostering sustainable lifestyle changes, promoting self-love, and empowering individuals to thrive in all aspects of their lives. Whether you're seeking to improve your fitness, nutrition, mindset, or overall well-being, Warrior Fit Academy is here to support and inspire you every step of the way.

Our mission.

To permanently transform one's identity, lifestyle, and routine (without restrictive diets) to gain health, happiness, and a body healed by proper nutrition. We help people heal themselves from the inside out.

Why Warrior Fit Academy?

We are here to coach warriors and help them find confidence and freedom around food, live their healthiest lives, and to break free from the cultural constraints around diet and body image. Warrior Fit is a personalized, holistic approach provided by a cohesive team; it is a sustainable plan that involves eating real food, moving your body in ways you enjoy, tapping into mindfulness habits and empowering you to live your most authentic life.

We want to help you:


Discover your best life


Find freedom from food


Love your body and your mind


Ten Principles Our Warriors Lives By:

  • You prioritize your health & happiness because when you take care of you, you show up better for those that matter most to you.

  • You love and belief in yourself is pivotal to your success.

  • Every time you look in the mirror, you affirm and pick out what you love and adore about yourself.

  • Your energy comes from food, what type of energy do you want to supply your body?

    By loving yourself into health, you create more energy to get more things done in your day & feel really good about it.

  • You radiate joy and are able to show others that living a life of health and acceptance really is freedom and happiness.

  • You see the importance of investing into your health now, rather than later.

  • You recognize your habits allow you to grow & step into your new identity. A habit is developed from small choices and decisions over a long period of time.

  • When you create a life of confidence in your own skin — you become unstoppable.

  • You never give up. You fall forward rather than backwards when the going gets tough.

  • As a warrior, you can do ALL things. It’s simply a matter of adjusting your life, utilizing tools, and connecting to your body.

Meet Heather

Devoted wife, mother of two, and faith-based coach, Heather Lee founded Warrior Fit Academy in 2019 to empower individuals to become their best selves. With unwavering faith, she felt called by the Lord to embark on this coaching journey, drawing from her own life experiences as inspiration. Heather's divine purpose lies in guiding others to heal, overcome obstacles, and cultivate self-love. Witnessing individuals thrive as they prioritize their well-being, gain freedom around food, and find peace with their bodies fuels Heather's passion each day. Not only does she find immense joy in witnessing total transformations, but she also draws inspiration from her clients' journeys to continuously strive for her own health and wellness.

Get to know Heather:

What inspired you to be a coach?

It was me being in a dark place myself and coming to the light that led me to want to help other people find the light and live their healthiest and best lives.  In 2005 before I got sober I hated who I was in every way. I could not stop drinking, I had a horrible relationship with food and was riding the yoyo diet train, and I was continually looking for love to fill the void. The bottom line is I was not happy and I continued to look outside myself rather than to the Lord for healing, strength, clarity, and love. Not only did I need the Lord first and foremost, but I needed help healing my trauma, thinking patterns, relationship with food, etc. I believe it was this moment that was the turning point for me and what eventually led me to become a coach in 2009. 

What makes you want to get up in the morning and be your best self?

My faith. My family. My clients. My staff.

What do you feel are your greatest strengths? 

Empathetic, Compassionate, Loving, Gracious, Determined, Grit/Ability to Overcome, Contagious Positive Energy

What are you most proud of?

My sobriety

What is your favorite exercise?

Snatch or Back Squat

What book has had a positive impact on your life?

Atomic Habits  - Permanent change can take a long time. It is all about stacking new habits overtime that can end up equally big things later. It makes me think DO NOT GIVE UP until the miracle happens.


Our Dedicated Team



Meet Deanna — wellness wingwoman and all-around rockstar! She has always been passionate about both wellness and helping others. Deanna rocked the Warrior Fit Academy Program, and after her great experience with our village of amazing, caring women, she became inspired to contribute to that experience for others. Deanna thrives on helping others live their best lives, and her energy is contagious. Motivated, strong, compassionate, and seriously good at problem-solving, she's your ultimate ally in reaching your wellness goals.

Get to know Deanna:

  1. What makes you want to get up in the morning and be your best self? My girls. I have always strived to set an example for them and I want to live a healthy, full life to support and witness their successes.

  2. What is your favorite food? I love green chili! I also have a passion for trying new and different cuisine. I enjoy fresh, home cooked meals and avoid fast foods at all costs.

  3. What book has had a positive impact on your life? Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown



Meet Amy, a powerhouse single mom raising three incredible kids. Her children are her daily inspiration, infusing her life with endless joy and sunshine. Amy embarked on her Warrior Fit journey in September 2021, just before facing the unexpected loss of her father. In the midst of grief, Amy found solace and guidance within the Warrior Fit program.

Before joining Warrior Fit, Amy battled with a familiar cycle of emotional eating and restrictive diets, feeling trapped in a yo-yo of highs and lows. But through the program, she discovered a new perspective on food – viewing it as medicine for her body and prioritizing mindful eating to nourish her soul.  

Now, Amy is passionate about using her journey to support others facing similar struggles. As a coach, she draws from her own experiences to empower her clients, teaching them the importance of self-compassion and resilience. Witnessing the transformation in her clients, as they gain confidence and self-worth, fuels Amy's dedication to guiding others on their journey to wellness.

Get to know Amy:

  1. What is your favorite food?My favorite type of food is sushi. I must have my coffee in the morning and sometimes a bit in the afternoon too.”

  2. What is your favorite exercise?Cardio is my favorite. I love to get in the zone and sweat! I like to be outdoors by hiking and walking with our two Golden-doodles.”



Meet Aisha, the driving force behind WFA's online presence. She keeps things running smoothly behind the scenes. But her role goes beyond just that — she's fueled by a deep passion for health and fitness. Aisha wholeheartedly resonates with Warrior Fit Academy's mission. In a world saturated with programs solely focused on exercise and food, she believes there's much more to being healthy. It's about embracing a holistic lifestyle and mindset.

For Aisha, joining the WFA team was a no-brainer. She was drawn to our model for helping people lead healthier lives and addressing the deeper aspects of their health journeys. "I was more than excited to join a team that genuinely cares about the people they work with." With her infectious enthusiasm and dedication, Aisha is here to inspire and support you every step of the way.

Get to know Aisha:

  1. What is your greatest WHY? What makes you want to get up in the morning and be your best self?My family is my WHY. Everything I do is for them. My fiancé motivates me to be the best version of myself everyday by being an amazing and supportive partner. I wake up every morning motivated to be the best mother I can be for my son, so that he is raised in a home where he learns what it is to be loved and to love not only himself, but others. My goal every day is to be the best for them and for myself.”

Our Partners



Introducing Paula Robbins, a dedicated Hypnotherapist and Soul Coach with a wealth of experience. As a trusted presenter for our 1.0 and 2.0 members, she brings a depth of knowledge on the role of mindset in achieving overall health goals. Paula's personal journey towards holistic wellness has provided valuable insights for our members, helping them navigate their paths to becoming warriors.

In addition to her professional expertise, Paula's longstanding friendship with Heather adds a unique depth to her contributions. With a focus on practical wisdom and genuine care, Paula is committed to paying it forward. Her down-to-earth approach and unwavering support make her a respected partner in our mission. We're proud to collaborate with such a knowledgeable and compassionate professional.



Introducing Lisa Wessell, a dedicated Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner with over 25 years of experience specializing in sexual and hormonal health. Throughout her career, Lisa has been committed to providing personalized care during women's pivotal moments, both in conventional hospital and medical office settings. Embracing the evolving landscape of healthcare, she has expanded her reach through telehealth, ensuring accessibility for individuals with limited access to medical services. Lisa's holistic approach encompasses physical, emotional, mental, and social aspects of health, empowering patients to achieve optimal well-being.

Lisa's unwavering support and personalized approach enrich the lives of those she serves. We are proud to collaborate with such a caring expert in the field, whose dedication to patient care and commitment to holistic health make her a valued partner in our mission.

Love yourself into health.

Book a free 20 minute consultation with Heather Lee — where she'll personally connect with you to discuss your goals, needs, and how she can support you on your path to success.