Macros, Macros, Macros

It’s one of those things that gets tossed around when you hear people talking about how they eat & what their diet is like

…but what you don’t know - is that they’re the KEY to living a healthy life, without being on a crappy restrictive diet like keto.

And, with your macro’s in-line with your lifestyle…you not only can eat “healthy,” but you can still eat the foods you LOVE, too.

But, what the heck is a macro, how do I find mine, how do I even calculate my food with it?

Don’t worry - I’ll be breaking down macros & helping you forget everything you thought you knew about them…while showing you how to use macros to EMPOWER you & help you find TRUE freedom.

And all it comes down to is fat, protein, and carbs…and eating them in a balance (and more than 1200 calories OF this macros a day…because we aren’t toddlers ). This week I’ll be breaking down how to calculate & track macros in your foods, what are ratios of carbs vs fat vs protein to look for when you’re checking labels, and even how to get started figuring out what your own macros should be!

I’m so excited to take the mystery out of macros & finally show you what true food freedom CAN be.


Welcome to Warrior Fit!


Small Beginnings