Testimonial: Carrie

I just want to say that Warrior Fit is changing lives.

I have done every diet and fad in the book to lose weight. Nothing stuck and nothing worked. I would bail after 2 weeks because my ED cycle would get triggered everytime I tried to restrict food, increase control or radically change my diet. It would send me into a binge and self hatred cycle. Wash, rinse, repeat. All I could think of was, “What is wrong with me?” These thoughts sent me into a deep depression. Never wanting to take photos. Avoiding mirrors. And feeling completely trapped in my body. I hated it all.

Heather Lee and Mary Kenney are a God-send. I was at my lowest point in 2021 after the shock of 2020 and the increased weight gain, I desperately needed something to change. I think what makes Warrior Fit different is they actually address all parts of you, not just what goes into your mouth. I had to look deeper, understand why I always self-sabotaged, look in the mirror and retrain myself to see beauty instead of disgust, learn mindfulness, and only then could I actually be successful on what I was trying to accomplish.

I stopped trying to focus on what I was trying to lose, and focused on everything I want to gain. I am working towards complete freedom around food while achieving my health goals. If you are looking to change your life, and create then achieve your goals… Warrior Fit and their entire team is the ultimate support system of coaches that want to see you shed the baggage that is holding you back. Yes, I’m losing weight, yes I’m losing inches, but that’s no longer my focus nor where my worth comes from. I’m gaining so much more than that.

This is NOT a diet, it’s a life recalibration, and I wouldn’t trust anyone else to help me be completely free from what my previous relationship with food had been. Take the step, it is the best decision I have ever made.

Here is my first photoshoot I have ever done for my engagement photos with my new fiancé. This is something I never thought I would be able to do before. I see a much freer, happier and deeply beautiful woman and I am so so thankful Warrior Fit helped me get here and is continuously helping me get to where I want to be.



How To Turn Self-Sabotage Into Self-Love


Starting Small