Starting Small


Rather than continually putting off making changes to your health and wellness, I encourage you to just start small!!!

Are there any small changes can you start making today??? Here are a few areas to consider...


Aim for 7k steps per day no matter what

Get a 20 min walk in on your lunch break

Do 15 squats every time you say something mean to yourself

Stretch your body for 5-10 mins a day (you can do it while watching TV)


Add a veggie and/or piece of fruit to each meal

Drink 16oz water upon awakening each morning

Drink 64oz water per day

Eat a balanced and healthy breakfast within 45 minutes of rising each morning (Include protein)

Prep some easy snacks the night before you work day to avoid grabbing sugary snacks and coffee midday

Commit to eating every 3-4 hours throughout the day


Put your phone down 1 hour before bed

Read 10 pages of a book for everynight

Get 7 hours of sleep (go to bed earlier)

Get up just 5 minutes earlier to have some quiet time to do see deep breathing or listen to a guided 5 minute meditation. Rather than jumping up and rushing around as soon as you wake up

Commit to just 5 minutes sometime in your day to do some deep breathing or say we positive affirmations or listen to 5 min guided meditation

Commit to not hitting snooze

I encourage you to start somewhere by picking 1-2 things from each category. Once again, the goal is to start small.

Small things, done consistently, add up to big things in the long run.



Testimonial: Carrie


Self Sabotage