Feeling Stuck? Read This

BE HONEST...have you ever said...

"I feel like I do almost everything right when it comes to my nutrition and fitness, but I can't seem to lose weight and/or feel good in my skin."

That is hands down the most common statements I get as a coach.

I can tell you from experience and after digging a little deeper with people that even though they are doing a lot of great things for their health and fitness, that they are not doing the right combination of things or not doing quite enough to see the results they want.

Here are the biggest things I find when digging a little deeper with people...

Did you know when chasing a goal, that if you are not on with your nutrition at least 85% (6/7 days) of the time or more each week, that you probably will just maintain where you are. I know this will vary per person, but this is a pretty good estimate based on my experience with clients.

Some people aren't eating enough calories

Some people aren't eating breakfast

Some people are not consistent with fueling their body regularly throughout the day

Some people eat well during the week and fall off the rails on the weekend

Some people aren't eating a good balance of carbs, fat, and protein

Some people need to change up their workout routine.

Some people have not considered that their lack of sleep or stress is an issue

If you feel stuck and would like me to take an inventory of what you are doing then comment below "ME". I will give you a FREE coaching call where we can dig deeper and get you on your way to start seeing some results!!!

Cheers to reaching your goals and feeling your BEST!!!


Success Story: Megan


Success Story: Rachael