Success Story: Megan


I am so excited to share the RESULTS and HEALING that has taken place in this amazing client since joining Warrior Fit Academy 8 months ago!!!

Almost 4 years ago Megan was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and was placed on a super low dose of levothyroxine. Overtime they increased her dosage and in January of 2020 she reached her highest dose of 137mcg after her hashimoto's diagnosis. During the span of these 4 years, Megan gained approximately 30lbs. She tried diet after diet and nothing seemed to work.

I am here to share that (under her doctor’s care) she has been able to slowly decrease her dosage to just .75mcg over the past 6 months!!! This is such GREAT news!!! In addition, she has also lost 14lbs and 20 inches, feels less puffy, and has a ton more energy!!!

Her doctor said the decrease in dosage is a RESULT of her cleaning up her diet and taking better care of herself!!! WOO HOO!!!

What are the changes Megan made these past 8 months that have contributed to her feeling better and seeing RESULTS?

She consistently eats enough calories -

I have met so many people who are literally starving themselves. Overtime, this can cause metabolic damage. It is very important to fuel your body with enough food.

She consistently eats the right balance of carbs, fat, and protein -

I have met so many people that just look at calories in/calories out when trying to lose weight and/or become healthier. It is important for long term results to learn to fuel your body in a balanced way.

She aims for a whole food (single ingredient) as much as possible -

I have seen people who balance their macros and eat like total garbage. It may help you lose weight initially, but long term that is not going to help you heal your body. Most processed foods are going to cause inflammation.

She gave up dairy and gluten for good -

This was the hardest one and the one that people want to fight me on the most, but I believe this was the biggest game changer for Megan. Gluten and dairy have been known to cause inflammation in people with thyroid disease. I know it will not be true for everyone, but if you have been struggling at all with inflammation and/or losing weight then I would highly suggest giving them up for 60 days and see how you feel. What do you have to lose?

She exercises for at least one hour 5x per week.

She makes sleep a priority and always aims to get 7 hours or more every night.

She meditates daily to manage her stress.

Megan is a perfect example that you can heal your body and see results through proper nutrition!!!

She would be the first to tell you that this process feels slow, long, and frustrating at times, but she is also soooo happy that she found something that works and that is sustainable. AMEN!!!

Here is the HARSH TRUTH…

I think sometimes people think they have tried everything, but in reality they have not. Sometimes it might just be a few adjustments to food, exercise, etc. that could make all the difference in the world like it did for Megan!!!

You can SEE RESULTS!!! You can FEEL BETTER in your skin!!! I would encourage you to take an inventory of what you're currently doing. If you want me to take a look at it and give you some tips, I am more than happy to do so!!!


Who here feels like they are spinning their wheels on their health and/or weight loss journey?

CHEERS to living your BEST LIFE!!!


Self Sabotage


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