Testimonial - Madison

This past week was a rough one – my mindset sucked, my workouts felt less than great, and I let every little thing get me down and take away how far I’ve come. I cried…a lot. You start the day with the right intentions and by the time 5pm rolls around, all you want to do is crawl in bed and let the world win. Or in my case, say screw the diet and go get Mexican and a few margaritas.

These feelings can wreck anyone’s goals and make you want to give up. However, I still showed up to the gym, and I still ate to my plan because I was determined to not let this crappy week break me. I kept reminding myself that the pressure we feel today is the strength we feel tomorrow.

Every week is not going to go the way you want. Some days, you’re going to want to throw in the towel but remembering your WHY will help ground you. Without Heather helping me find my ‘why,’ I would still be the woman in the first photo. Every day was a battle of self-loathing thoughts, and I was miserable.

Being a warrior is hard, but so is living an unhealthy, unhappy life. Choose your hard and fight for it. Remember there are people like Heather in your corner to remind you that you are strong enough, your best is enough, and you are exactly where you’re supposed to be.



Small Beginnings