Motivation vs. Commitment

Have you ever thought about the difference between Motivation VS Commitment?

I sure have! I might be motivated to be the best version of myself. But, if I'm not doing anything about this to become my best self, my motivation will quickly die out.

Much like a dream, without a plan of action to make that dream happen without a vision or plan to get there, it's only a wish. IF it's a goal there are certain steps to take to get there.

We want to challenge you to start making identity based goals vs. outcome based goals, and we explain them this week as we talk about motivation and the commitment to habits! (Which, btw, starting SMALL is way easier than you think

Dive into week #5 of MINDSET MONDAYs with Heather and Wendy as we give you practical ideas and ways to start seeing those goals become a reality, not just a lofty dream.


1. WRITE DOWN what are you MOTIVATED to do? It could be a ‘dream’ but it could be a goal too.

2. WHAT have you already in your life chosen to commit to and how has that impacted you? Positively/negatively?

3. We want to encourage you based off your “goals” What are some small habits you can start to adopt into your life that will eventually become who you are?


- Drink 2 full glasses of water first thing in the am? (16 ounces x 2)

- Do 10 squats while brushing your teeth?)

4. Can you read 1 passage of the book of PSALMS a day? See how it impacts you for the better?

WHAT SMALL HABIT are you going to try to do? COMMENT below with yours!


Success Story: Rachael


Shifting Your Identity