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Mindset Heather Lee Mindset Heather Lee

Warrior Fit's Guide to a Healthier, Happier Holiday Season

The holiday season is right around the corner, with Halloween approaching and Christmas decorations popping up in stores. While we all love the festive treats and family time, it's easy to let go of our healthy habits and give in to the holiday hustle and bustle. But there's a better way! Check out this blog for how to have a healthy and joyful holiday season without the guilt.

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Mindset Heather Lee Mindset Heather Lee

Rewrite Your Story: Erasing “I Can’t” from Your Inner Script

We are all capable of writing so much of our own story, so why do we feel stuck and unhappy so much of the time?

I truly believe this 1 simple phrase is the culprit of so much self-sabotage, negative inner dialogue, and unreached goals: “I can’t!”

It’s literal poison to your mindset!

Read my latest blog post to hear how I am learning to remove that phrase from my inner script. I also give you some different phrases you can use instead to help you reframe your thoughts to ultimately rewrite your story!

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Mindset Heather Lee Mindset Heather Lee

Overcoming Self-Sabotage: The Key to Permanent Transformation

Self-Sabotage is incredibly destructive, and the worst part is that most people don’t even recognize these patterns without investing a lot of work into increasing their self-awareness! In this post, we dive into what is self-sabotage, the different ways it presents, and how to overcome it in your own journey.

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Mindset Heather Lee Mindset Heather Lee

Struggling to Find Lasting Results? The Problem Is Not You

Why does it feel like nothing you do ever works? No matter what diet, program or group you join, you just can’t seem to get it together? I’m going to let you in on a secret: The problem is not you! This week I’m diving deep into the lies of the weight loss industry and giving real life examples of why Warrior Fit Academy is not another “get fit quick” scheme.

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Mindset Heather Lee Mindset Heather Lee

Reclaiming Your Worth: Why Investing in Yourself Matters

Do you struggle spending time and money to invest in yourself? Do you feel guilty when you do? If so, it’s time for you to reclaim your worth. In this blog post, I give you 3 truths about why investing in yourself matters, PLUS a bonus opportunity to check out my brand new program designed just for you!

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Mindset Heather Lee Mindset Heather Lee

Moving Past Motivation - Feelings Follow Action

Do you ever wonder why it seems like some people never run out of motivation? No matter how hard you try to eat healthier or move more, do you always end up fizzling out? If so, this blog is for you. You can finally move past motivation and learn the secrets to not giving up on your goals!

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Mindset Heather Lee Mindset Heather Lee

How To Take Action When it Feels Overwhelming

Do you feel paralyzed by the thought of trying to get healthy? It can seem like there are a million obstacles in your way. This blog post breaks down those obstacles and gives you small, simple, actionable steps to take to start your journey toward permanent transformation — for good!

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Mindset Heather Lee Mindset Heather Lee

Unlock Your Full Potential: Why Mindset is the Key to Achieving Your Health and Fitness Goals

The way we think about our health and fitness goals can have a powerful impact on whether or not we succeed in achieving them. In this blog, we'll explore the importance of mindset in achieving health and fitness goals and provide 3 tips on how to cultivate a growth-oriented mindset. By the end, you'll understand how to unlock your full potential and achieve the lifestyle you’ve been dreaming of!

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Mindset Heather Lee Mindset Heather Lee

Unpacking Diet Culture Trauma: How to Find Freedom and Healing

Many people who have spent even a minimal amount of time in “diet culture” chasing trends, restrictive diets or quick fixes walk away with varying degree of trauma. The subliminal messaging of diet culture is this: There is something wrong with the way you look. Find out how Warrior Fit Academy is fighting this toxicity with a three-pronged approach.

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Mindset Camilla Richter Mindset Camilla Richter

What's Harder - Changing Your Habits or Living with Chronic Conditions? The Truth About Healthy Living

Healthy living is hard, no matter what you might hear from Instagram fit-fluencers. But you know what else is hard? Living with chronic conditions caused by unhealthy lifestyles. This blog compares the challenges that come from both lifestyles, and invites you to make three simple choices to live the life that’s right for you.

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Mindset Heather Lee Mindset Heather Lee

How To Turn Self-Sabotage Into Self-Love

Do you self-sabotage? It might be trickier than you think to identify these unhealthy thought patterns in your own life. They can be subtle, or just so ingrained in your belief system that you don’t even think of it as negative. Here are my tips for how to turn self-sabotage into self-love and achieve true, permanent transformation.

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