Reclaiming Your Worth: Why Investing in Yourself Matters

I’m going to be honest with you: it is so hard to meet potential clients who would be a great fit for our program only to have them walk away. And it’s NOT because of the money.

Yes I am trying to run a business, but the real reason that I get so upset is that most of the time, these people walk away because they are unwilling or unable to invest in themselves.

A lot of these people have spent years neglecting themselves for the sake of others. Whether that’s mothers pouring into their children, employees putting work ahead of their own life, or just someone who derives their sense of worth from helping others, there are a lot of reasons why people don’t invest in themselves.

The problem is, that’s not sustainable. And when it comes time to make a change, a lot of people simply don’t know how to invest in themselves. It feels uncomfortable, selfish, maybe even a bit narcissistic. 

Today I want to share three truths why investing in yourself is not selfish, but rather an essential aspect of healthy relationships and a healthy life.

Truth #1: You Deserve to Be Cared for

One of the fundamental truths is that you deserve to be cared for and treated with kindness, just like anyone else.

Investing in yourself is not a narcissistic act; it's an acknowledgment of your inherent worth and value. When you take time to prioritize your physical, mental, and emotional well-being, it allows you to replenish your energy, boost your self-esteem, and nurture a positive relationship with yourself and others. You are worthy of love, respect, and happiness, and it starts by investing in yourself.

Truth #2: You Can't Pour from an Empty Cup

You've probably heard the metaphor before: you can't pour from an empty cup. I love this image because it's a powerful reminder that if you neglect your own needs and constantly give to others without replenishing yourself, you'll eventually deplete your own resources.

Taking time to invest in yourself is not only beneficial for you, but also for those around you. When you prioritize self-care, personal growth, and fulfillment, you'll have more to offer to others. By filling your cup first, you can show up as a more present, compassionate, and supportive individual in your relationships and communities.

Truth #3: Your Self-Treatment Sets the Bar for How Others Treat You

Investing in yourself sends a powerful message to the world about how you expect to be treated. When you prioritize self-care and self-respect, you establish healthy boundaries and cultivate a sense of self-worth. By demonstrating to yourself and others that you value your well-being, you set a standard for the way you allow others to treat you. Investing in yourself is an act of self-advocacy, enabling you to build healthier relationships and attract individuals who recognize and respect your boundaries.

Investing in yourself is not an act of selfishness; it is an act of self-love and self-preservation. Recognizing your inherent worth, acknowledging that you can't pour from an empty cup, and setting the bar for how you allow others to treat you are essential aspects of living a balanced and fulfilling life. So let go of the guilt and embrace the power of investing in yourself! It's time to prioritize your well-being and create a life that reflects your true value.

Do you struggle with investing in yourself? I created a program just for you!

Our 6 Week Feel Good Program is a BRAND new program designed just for you! You’ll get:

  • daily support 

  • custom meal plans

  • weekly calls

  • app access with custom workouts

  • mindset support

And MORE all with no long-term commitment. Don’t wait; invest in yourself now before it’s too late!


Testimonial: Living My Best Life at 40


Moving Past Motivation - Feelings Follow Action