Warrior Fit's Guide to a Healthier, Happier Holiday Season

Hey there, Warriors! I know it’s hard to believe, but the holiday season is just around the corner! Halloween is next week, and the stores are already putting out Christmas trees and decorations. I'm sure you can already feel the excitement building up - I mean, who doesn't love the magic of the holidays, right? It's that time of year when we get to surround ourselves with family, reconnect with friends, and, of course, indulge in all the mouthwatering treats.

But honestly? For many people, it's not all sleigh rides and gingerbread cookies.

Here's the thing: many of us have this idea that trying to stay healthy during the holidays is like trying to catch a snowflake in a blizzard. We fall into the trap of thinking, "I better enjoy all this yummy stuff now to the max, and then I'll start my New Year's diet." But guess what? That way of thinking can leave us feeling, well, not-so-jolly. We're not just physically feeling worse; we're also carrying around that extra helping of guilt.

The good news is, it's totally doable to have the time of your life during the holiday season without feeling miserable about your health. You don't have to stress about calories or turn down Grandma's legendary apple pie. In fact, you can actually make your holidays even more awesome by prioritizing your health! Trust me; you'll have more energy, more oomph, and more holiday spirit than ever before!

In this blog, we're going to spill the beans on some super simple tips and tricks to help you have a holly, jolly holiday season without compromising your health. By the end of this journey, you'll see that not only can you have your cake and eat it too (literally), but you'll come out of the holidays feeling even better than when you started. So, let's kick off this adventure together and make this holiday season the healthiest and happiest one yet! 

Common Stress Triggers Women Face During the Holidays

Like I said above, while the holidays can be joyous times, they can also be a huge source of stress, especially for us women. There are a few stress triggers that tend to pop up this time of year, and they usually fall into three main categories:

1. Financial Stress

Real talk: The holidays can turn your bank account into the Nightmare Before Christmas. Between buying gifts, decking out your place, and hosting parties, the holiday season can seriously dent your wallet. And there's this unspoken pressure to find the *perfect* gifts and create the *perfect* experience. It's like we're in a race to meet everyone's (including our own) sky-high expectations. Not to mention if you’re traveling out of state for family, buying airline tickets feels like you’re putting a down-payment on the airplane itself!

2. Social Stress

Then there's the whole social scene. We love our families, but sometimes all the family gatherings and parties can be overwhelming. It often falls on our shoulders to make these gatherings run like a well-oiled machine. The expectation to host or be the life of the party can weigh heavily on us. We're like the magic-makers behind the scenes, but sometimes, it's a lot to juggle.

3. Personal Stress

Lastly, there's the personal stuff. The holidays can stir up emotions, and not always the joyful kind. Changes in our family situations, grieving the loss of someone we care about, or maybe some not-so-great memories from our past can all bubble up. Sometimes, amidst all the festivities, there's a feeling of sadness or loneliness that creeps in.

Knowing that these stress triggers exist is the first step to managing them. By recognizing what might trip you up, you can choose the best strategies to handle it all. And that's what Warrior Fit is here for – to help you navigate this season while learning to take care of yourself.

The importance of prioritizing your health and self-care

With everything the holiday season entails, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of it all. But it's crucial to hit the brakes and make some time for self-care.

Why does it matter so much? Let's break it down:

1. Avoid Harmful Habits

During these busy times, stress often becomes a constant companion. When stress creeps in, it's tempting to resort to less-than-healthy ways of coping, such as overindulging in comfort foods or seeking solace in less-than-ideal habits. These quick fixes can lead to a slippery slope of unhealthy choices that ultimately won't serve you in the long run.

2. The Impact of Stress on Health

Stress is no friend to your health. It can wreak havoc on your physical and mental well-being, affecting your heart, weakening your immune system, and even altering your body weight. You might find yourself feeling fatigued, anxious, and not quite like yourself.

3. The Joy Factor

Here's the kicker: when you’re constantly stressed, it can steal the joy out of your holiday experiences. It's like having a beautifully wrapped gift but not being able to fully enjoy it. And if you’re not enjoying the holidays, chances are it lessens the joy in those who love you, too.

4. Self-Care: Your Secret Weapon

That's where self-care steps in. It's like a breather for your mind and body. Taking time for yourself nurtures better physical, mental, and emotional health. It's not selfish; it's a necessity. And the fantastic part is that when you take care of yourself, that positivity radiates out to your family and loved ones, making the holiday season better for everyone!

So don't forget to hit the pause button, catch your breath, and make self-care a top priority this holiday season. You deserve it, and so does your family!

Establishing Realistic Expectations

The first step to navigating the holidays with self-care in mind while enjoying the season is to establish realistic expectations. It's okay to admit that things are going to look a bit different during this festive season. In fact, it's more than okay; it's totally normal!

During the holidays, your usual routines, schedules, and responsibilities can get all jumbled up, and that's absolutely fine. The key here is to accept that it's going to look different. Maybe you won't hit the gym as often, or your meal prep might turn into last-minute easy dinners – and that's all right. Life is like that sometimes, and the holidays are no exception.

Here's the thing: you've got to leave the guilt and shame at the door. They're not invited to this holiday party. It's not about feeling bad for not sticking to your usual routine or giving in to that slice of pie. Instead, it's about embracing this season of maintenance and rest. Give yourself permission to relax a little, savor the special moments, and not beat yourself up over things that are beyond your control.

Practical Tips:

I know you’ve been waiting for this part, so let’s dive into a couple tips for HOW to enjoy the holidays while feeling your best, too!

  1. Aim for 3 gym days a week instead of 4 or 5, or grab an at-home workout plan for the winter months!

  2. Shorten your workout sessions to 30 minutes instead of an hour.

  3. Instead of focusing on all the things you shouldn’t eat, prioritize having at least two solid meals a day: preferably a hearty breakfast and a protein-filled dinner.

  4. Fill your plate with vegetables, meats, and quality food first before heading to the dessert table.

  5. Notice how you are feeling and give yourself permission to stop when you’re full or you start to feel bloated.

The key to success is preparation; the more tools you have in your toolkit this holiday season, the better prepared you will be to set yourself up for success. For a comprehensive holiday guide with more practical tips, yummy holiday recipes, and stress-management techniques you can take on the go, be on the lookout for Warrior Fit’s Holiday Survival Guide! This incredible resource will walk you through everything you need to face the holiday season with confidence and joy all without sacrificing your well-being. Best of all - it’s absolutely FREE!

If I saw this guide out in the wild, I would 100% sign up to get it, that’s all I’m saying (and that says a LOT because I don’t sign up for anything!)

Be on the lookout for an email when the guide is released to snag your copy of this amazing resource!

Enjoy the Season

As we wrap up this chat about navigating the holiday season with health and well-being in mind, I want to leave you with some comforting thoughts. First, keep in mind that the holiday season is just that - a season. It's a unique and special time of the year when traditions, festivities, and maybe a little indulgence are part of the deal. But it's not forever. 

Secondly, progress can wait! If you find that your regular health and fitness progress is on pause during this season, don't get frustrated. It's absolutely okay. This is not the time to beat yourself up about your journey. Give yourself grace and be patient. The finish line isn't going anywhere. Instead, use this season as an opportunity to practice self-love and patience. Treat yourself with kindness, and understand that everyone has their ups and downs during this time. Take moments for self-care and reflection, appreciating the season for what it is. Be present with your family. Focus on making memories and new traditions. Ultimately, that’s what you will remember the most!

In the end, it's not about perfection; it's about progress. Enjoy the holidays, cherish the moments, and keep moving forward. You've got this, and you're amazing just the way you are. Here's to a happy, healthy, and wonderfully fulfilling holiday season!

Enter this holiday season feeling your best!

Join our 6 Week Feel Good program today to get instant access to everything you need to be looking AND feeling great through the holidays:

  • daily support

  • custom meal plans

  • weekly calls

  • app access with custom workouts

  • mindset support

And MORE all with no long-term commitment. Don’t wait; invest in yourself now before it’s too late!


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