Unleashing Freedom and Success: The Power of a Permission Mindset

Mindset is everything. We talk a lot about mindset over here at Warrior Fit, and that’s because it’s such a huge component to your overall health!

But have you ever thought about the difference between a “prohibit” mindset and a “permission” mindset? 

Humor me for a moment. Imagine that you’ve been really struggling with your cravings lately and you find yourself caving more often than not. You decide to approach a close friend for support and advice, and your friend just said, “Just don’t think about chocolate!”

What are you immediately going to think about?


That’s because the mind does not process negatives. As soon as you try to NOT think about something, that’s the ONLY thing you can think about.

Diet Culture and a “Prohibit” Mindset

So much of diet culture is centered around a “prohibit” mindset. “Don’t eat chocolate. Don’t stress. Don’t overeat.” But when that’s your only focus, it can spell disaster for your goals.

It can also cause a rebellious urge for some people who tend to be a little – shall we say – independent. You know who you are: the kids who would always bristle when their parents told them not to do something. You see restrictions as challenges, even when you logically know it’s a bad idea.

So how do we shift our mindset? What’s the antidote to a “prohibit” mindset?

Unleashing freedom and success with a permission mindset.

The Solution: A “Permission” Mindset

The solution to a prohibit mindset is a permission mindset.

A permission mindset doesn’t mean that anything goes. Rather, it means that you reframe healthy boundaries as positive thinking. Here are some examples.

  • Instead of telling yourself, “Don’t eat chocolate,” give yourself permission to satisfy your sweet tooth with a better alternative. “When I crave chocolate, I can have a chocolate protein shake.”

  • Instead of saying, “Don’t stress,” give yourself permission to spend time using stress management tactics. “When I’m feeling stressed, I will close my eyes and take three deep, centering breaths.”

  • Instead of warning yourself by saying, “Don’t overeat,” give yourself permission to fill up on nutrient dense food first before reaching for the rich, heavy foods. “I will listen to my body and fuel it with as much nutrients as it needs.”

Unleashing Freedom and Success

Changing from a prohibit mindset to a permission mindset takes practice, intentionality, and preparation. It will not happen overnight, but it CAN happen! Adopting a permission mindset will give you greater freedom, a better relationship with your inner self, and can ultimately destroy the shame and fear that prohibit mindsets produces!

If you would like more information about a permission mindset and how to transform your life from the inside out, contact our Warrior Fit coaches today! We would love to hear from you.


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