How To Save Money and Eat Healthy at the Same Time

One of the biggest hurdles people face when they consider changing their lifestyle is, “Healthy food is so much more expensive!” And in this economy, every dollar counts!

Why do people think this? There are a couple of different factors. Let’s break them down.

Reasons Why “Eating Healthy” Feels More Expensive

1. Organic vs non-organic

In the last few years or more, “organic” has become synonymous with “healthy”. And if you look at a 1:1 comparison between organic or non organic (such as bananas) the price point IS objectively higher. Why? The biggest reason is that the cost of organic farming is much higher, and getting USDA organic certified is a lengthy, expensive process. While buying organic can cut out unwanted additives such as certain pesticides or preservatives, it can be more expensive.

2. Grocery store vs drive through

A trip to the grocery store costs more money than a trip to the drive through. If I’m only spending $20 on lunches each day, that psychologically feels like a less number than spending $100 on food for the week. But the truth is, $20 for 6 days will get you 6 meals, whereas if you shop right, $100 of food can feed multiple people all week (depending on the type of food, appetites, and location, of course).

3. Whole foods vs processed

It’s true… buying a handful of frozen pizzas and some ramen packets is cheaper than buying whole foods such as lean meats, fruits and vegetables. And you still need to purchase other things such as seasonings and cooking oils to be able to make a tasty meal!

It’s easy to feel like eating healthy is impossible on a budget, so let me share some of my favorite tips for getting the biggest bang for your buck!

How To Save Money and Eat Healthy

1. Buy in Bulk

Lots of stores or warehouses allow you to buy food items in bulk at a lower price than your local supermarket. Just make sure to price check first! I like to purchase frozen items and pantry items in bulk as they tend to keep longer. If you’re lucky (or just really good at couponing) you can even purchase in bulk during sales (for instance, usually butter goes on sale just before Thanksgiving, and it will keep in the freezer for a long time!)

2. Pay Attention to Sales

That brings me to my next point, which probably sounds like common sense, but many people skip! Pay attention to sales, promos, deals, and clearance items. Sometimes stores will have overstock items, or dented cans/boxes that are still good to use. (dented cans are controversial, I know – take it or leave it, it’s still a bargain!)

3. Buy In Season

We live in such a luxurious society where we can find just about anything just about any time! Pineapple in the frozen midwest? You got it! Asparagus in November? No problem! But the truth is, it costs more money for stores to ship these fresh foods out of season. Pay attention to what fruits and veggies are in season by using this website:

You can also take advantage of this tip by paying attention to the sales in the produce section of your local store, as those generally follow the peak seasons.

4. Shop Local

Without high labor, shipping, and packaging costs, it’s sometimes even cheaper to purchase fresh foods (and meats!) from local farmer’s markets. Aside from lower costs, you will know where your food is coming from, be able to support local families and businesses, and the fresh produce tastes so much better! Find a list of USDA approved local markets near you:

5. Shop hop

Go explore different marketplaces and keep a note of prices! While driving around to multiple different stores is tedious and isn’t for everyone (especially if you have kids with you) it can be a great way to take advantage of good deals and lower prices. And, once you finish your initial exploration, you’ll know the best places to get good deals on food and be able to fall into a rhythm of rotating to the stores you need.

6. Meal prep

Last but definitely not least, meal prep! Meal prepping is a great way to limit the amount of food that goes to waste. With a proper plan in place, you will save time and money while also hitting your fitness goals faster than ever.

Our Warrior Fit coaches customize meal plans for every single client based on budget, preferences, and goals. And if it’s not working, we adjust the plan to make it work for you!

Want a free meal plan? Send us an email with “FREE MEAL PLAN” as the subject, and we’ll send you a week’s worth of recipes, absolutely free!

I hope these tips help you realize that by taking small steps, you can achieve your dream lifestyle while saving money in the process! If you’d like more help, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Warrior Fit team. We’d love to hear from you!


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