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How To Heather Lee How To Heather Lee

Never Have Enough Time? 3 Principles of Prioritization

Feel like there’s never enough time in the day?

In today’s fast-paced world, we often find ourselves juggling numerous tasks, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and short on time. Add on the opportunity and expectation that women can now “do it all”, and you have the perfect storm for burnout.

Join me in redefining how we view time, responsibilities, and self-care. It’s high time we learn the art of prioritization and free ourselves from the never-ending to-do lists.

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tips Heather Lee tips Heather Lee

Making Informed Food Choices to Heal Your Body

Do you find yourself longing for better days in terms of how you feel?

I’ve regularly talked about the effects certain foods can have on your body, especially gluten, dairy, sugar, and alcohol. There is nothing wrong with these foods. It’s not about labeling foods good or bad, but understanding how your body may react to certain foods so that you can make informed decisions to fuel your body in the way that fits you best!

Check out my recent blog post to read about how these foods may affect your body and for tips on how to eliminate or moderate your intake of them if you suspect they may be preventing you from feeling your best.

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Mindset Heather Lee Mindset Heather Lee

How To Take Action When it Feels Overwhelming

Do you feel paralyzed by the thought of trying to get healthy? It can seem like there are a million obstacles in your way. This blog post breaks down those obstacles and gives you small, simple, actionable steps to take to start your journey toward permanent transformation — for good!

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Mindset Camilla Richter Mindset Camilla Richter

What's Harder - Changing Your Habits or Living with Chronic Conditions? The Truth About Healthy Living

Healthy living is hard, no matter what you might hear from Instagram fit-fluencers. But you know what else is hard? Living with chronic conditions caused by unhealthy lifestyles. This blog compares the challenges that come from both lifestyles, and invites you to make three simple choices to live the life that’s right for you.

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