Tired of Not Seeing Results? Look Out For These 8 Culprits!

Are you frustrated with your lack of progress in achieving your health and fitness goals? You may be putting in hours of effort at the gym and eating a pretty healthy diet, but still not seeing the results you want. The lack of results can feel so discouraging, and may even lead you to give up altogether!

However, it's important to understand that there are many factors that can impact your success in achieving your health and fitness goals, some of which you may not even be aware of! In this blog post, we'll explore some of the most common reasons why people may not be seeing results in their health and fitness goals, and provide tips and strategies to help you overcome these obstacles and finally achieve the results you desire.

8 Common Obstacles

Achieving your health and fitness goals can be challenging, especially if it feels like you just keep hitting a brick wall. The good news is, by increasing your awareness of these 8 common obstacles, you will have the secret weapon you need to break through your plateau!

Obstacle #1 - Not enough or too many calories

One of the most common obstacles is not being aware of the amount of calories you consume on a daily basis. This can happen when you either consume too many calories or not enough. Consuming too many calories can lead to weight gain, while not consuming enough can lead to a decrease in energy levels that affect your workout performance, muscle growth, metabolism, and may even result in binge eating at a later time to compensate.

Warrior Tip: Use a food tracker to honestly track the food that you eat. Make sure you’re consistently eating enough calories (ladies, this means more than 1200 calories!!) to limit the days where you feel like overeating!

Obstacle #2 - Inconsistent eating habits

Another obstacle that people face is inconsistency with their diet. Eating habits that are all over the map can make it difficult for your body to understand whether it's starving or receiving an excess of resources. This confusion can negatively impact your metabolism and result in slow or non-existent progress towards your fitness goals.

Warrior Tip: Use a meal plan to help set you up for consistent success! Clients of Warrior Fit Academy get personalized meal plans every week, with regular food check ins and adjustments as needed.

Obstacle #3 - Too much processed food

Eating too much processed food is also a common obstacle that can negatively impact your health and fitness goals. Processed food can be high in calories, sugar, and unhealthy additives, which can lead to weight gain and other health issues.

Warrior Tip: Prioritize consuming whole foods as much as possible! Whole foods (or single ingredient foods) are nutrient-dense and support your body's needs.

Obstacle #4 - Too much stress

Stress is another obstacle that can significantly affect your health and fitness progress. The hormone cortisol, which is released during periods of stress, can cause your body to hold onto excess fat, literally freezing your results!

Warrior Tip: Don’t underestimate the power of stress management techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, or gratitude to reduce the impact of stress on your body. Warrior Fit clients get access to our in-house therapist, who helps coach you through these practices in order to optimize your results.

Obstacle #5 - Not enough sleep

Not getting enough sleep is also a significant obstacle to achieving your health and fitness goals. Sleep is crucial for your body to recover, repair, and recharge, and inadequate sleep can affect your metabolism, energy levels, and ability to perform at your best during workouts.

Warrior Tip: Set up a simple bedtime routine that you can perform each and every night. Include activities that are calming, such as meditation or drinking a specific non caffeinated tea or taking a bath. Avoid stimulating activities such as screens, listening to true crime podcasts, or consuming sugar or caffeine.

Obstacle #6 - Neglecting weight training

Focusing solely on cardio and not weight training is also an obstacle that can negatively impact your progress towards your health and fitness goals. While cardio is essential for improving cardiovascular health and burning calories, weight training is crucial for building lean muscle mass and boosting your metabolism.

Warrior Tip: Try to incorporate three sessions of weight lifting into your weekly exercise routine. Make sure to practice good form and to not lift more weight than you can safely handle! Warrior Fit clients get personalized training on every movement so they can approach the gym (or home workouts) with confidence and decrease their risk of injury.

Obstacle #7 - Inconsistent workouts

All over the map with workouts is another common obstacle that can hinder your progress towards your fitness goals. Any movement is good, but you will get more results when you follow an intentional plan that is tailored to your specific goals and needs.

Warrior Tip: Set specific goals and then craft a workout plan around them. Warrior Fit coaches design customized workout plans based on our clients’ goals and exercise preferences to better optimize their results.

Obstacle #8 - Medications

Lastly, it's important to consider any medications that you may be taking that could impact your progress towards your health and fitness goals. A common side effect of certain medications is weight gain.

Warrior Tip: Always consult with your doctor before starting a new fitness or nutrition plan. Warrior Fit coaches always work with our clients' medical needs in order to help them achieve transformative, holistic health.

In short, achieving your health and fitness goals is not always a straightforward process. Progress is never a perfectly straight line, but there are several obstacles that can hold you back, including inconsistent eating habits, stress, lack of sleep, inefficient workouts, and medication. However, by prioritizing healthy habits such as whole food nutrition, stress management, sleep, and intentional workouts, you can overcome these obstacles and finally achieve the results you desire!

If you are ready to break through your plateau and finally reach your goals, contact one of our coaches today to find out how Warrior Fit can help you get there! And don’t forget to subscribe for more tips, recipes, and inspiring transformation stories delivered right to your inbox!


Testimonial: How Warrior Fit helped me reach my goals


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