Testimonial: How I Lost 25 lbs and 17 Inches

Deanna's before and after

Meet Deanna, a high-achiever who had spent years prioritizing her career over her health and wellness. For years, she had been listening to Heather’s advice without really acting on it. Finally, she decided it was time to take action and she officially joined Warrior Fit Academy. After five months, Deanna has experienced freedom from food, confidence around working out, and overall peace of mind. She’s also lost 25 pounds and 17 inches along with transforming her body composition and gaining muscle.

What an incredible transformation!

So, how did she transform her body and her life in only five months? 3 things: 

  1. Prioritizing strength training

  2. Altering expectations

  3. Measuring success

Let’s dive in!

  1. Prioritizing Strength Training

The first thing she adjusted was trading her daily hikes for weight-lifting sessions in the gym. She felt guilty about dropping her daily step count, but she decided to take a leap of faith and trust her coach, Heather. “I wish I would have heard her sooner in regard to the importance of strength training!” she said. 

The benefits of strength training are vast, and contrary to what many people think, regular strength training does not automatically make females bulk up like a WWE fighter. In addition to building muscle, strength training can help decrease joint pain, increase range of motion, and burn calories for long after the workout session, which can result in fat loss.

After choosing to trust Heather, Deanna joined a local boot camp that she loves and now every week for the past 5 months, Deanna has been committing 4-5 strength training workouts. It was hard to shift her routine at first, but as she said, “Every day is a chance to commit.” She chose to show up and trust in the program day in and day out. Fast forward five months, and she’s able to do full pushups and pullups, and has never felt better!

2. Altering Expectations

One of the things that was vital to Deanna’s success was her shift in expectations. She wanted to be able to do her daily hike and 4-5 full strength training sessions a week, but quickly realized that that was unrealistic. Instead of being discouraged, Deanna worked to shift her expectation and her routine to be able to prioritize what would help her reach her goals in the long run. 

Deanna recognizes that lifestyle changes aren’t going to be easy. “Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.” Rather than letting this discourage her, she views it as a challenge and rises to the occasion day after day.

3. Measuring Success

Measuring success is an often underrated – yet highly effective – way to keep up motivation. Deanna was using her daily step goal as a measure of success, even though it wasn’t bringing her any closer to her real fitness goal. While hitting a certain number of steps every day isn’t a bad thing, it’s not always the most efficient way to reach health and fitness goals. It’s also a goal that resets every day, making it hard to build momentum and see progress.

When she started letting go of her daily step goal and started measuring her success on body measurements using an InBody, she started getting excited at watching her body transform before her very eyes. Tracking tangible, measurable results fuel motivation and make it easier to stay focused on your goals.

“Heather really has our best interest in mind,” Deanna wrote. “She is knowledgeable, organized, understanding, and accommodating to meet the needs and goals of any client.”

What is Warrior Fit Academy?

Warrior Fit Academy is dedicated to permanently transforming our clients’ identity, lifestyle, and routine (without restrictive diets). Our clients gain health, happiness, and a body healed by proper nutrition. We do this through educating clients on nutrition, a balanced lifestyle, and training for function over aesthetic. In addition, Warrior Fit partners with a certified therapist and soul coach to help our clients overcome the biggest obstacle when it comes to health and fitness: the mind. We help people heal themselves from the inside out.

When our clients leave Warrior Fit Academy, they are equipped with all the tools they need to not only build the life of their dreams, but live their dreams permanently.

If you’re ready to experience true, permanent transformation, contact Warrior Fit Academy today! We have multiple certified coaches that are ready to be paired with any client in order to set them on a path toward freedom, strength, and healing through proper nutrition, training, and mindset coaching.

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