How to Stop Procrastinating on Your Health and Fitness Goals

Have you ever had a simple task that you kept putting off, even though it caused complications in your life?

I have something to confess…

My winter coat has been hanging out in the passenger seat of my car for longer than I care to admit. Why? 

To set the scene, I live in Salt Lake City Utah, so we generally have pretty mild winters and springs. One day a couple weeks ago I wore my winter coat out, but quickly got too warm running errands. When I got back home, it was too warm to wear my winter coat, and my hands were full of groceries, so I left it in the car. I told myself it could wait until next time.

Only, the next time I was out at my car, I was juggling my kid, his backpack, and my coffee mug. When it was time to get everyone inside, my hands were full and my hungry kid was nearing the point of no return. It definitely wasn’t a good time to haul my heavy coat inside. 

One day I even remembered when I was inside, but I was busy with chores and it was cold outside. It could wait until I absolutely needed to go outside.

Rinse and repeat for a few weeks and a simple action that would have taken me less than two minutes had gotten pushed back again and again, causing complications and wardrobe issues for weeks! Instead of just doing what I needed to do, I kept pushing it off waiting for the “perfect” time.

The problem is… There is no “perfect” time for anything, just the “right” time. And more often than not, the right time is NOW.

I think you can see where I’m going with this!

So many of us put off focusing on our health until the “perfect” time.

  • After the holidays, so I won’t be tempted by treats

  • After my kids are done with sports

  • After this stressful project at work

  • After our family vacation

Before we know it, five years have passed and we’re still nowhere near our goals!

But if we can shift our mindset and realize that the only perfect time is the time we have right NOW, that’s the first step in achieving lasting, permanent transformation! And once you make the decision to prioritize your health and fitness goals, Warrior Fit can help with the rest! 

We take the guesswork out of tracking macros or figuring out what to do at the gym. Our community ensures that nobody gets left behind. And our coaches are REAL people with REAL lives that are just as busy as yours, so they get it – AND they can help you find realistic ways to succeed in your own life!

The time is now. The question is… are YOU ready to experience permanent transformation?


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