How Personalized Coaching Helped Me Conquer my Hypothyroidism

How many times has your doctor told you to “move more and eat less” as if that was the only thing that was going to actually help you lose weight and get in shape?

I can’t tell you how many times I hear that from my clients, whose weight seems to simply disqualify them from receiving the care they need. (Here’s a great article from the perspective of a doctor on the issue of discrimination against overweight patients)

As a coach, it honestly makes me furious. 

Especially since most of the women that come to my program may actually need to eat more (and in the right balance) to achieve their fitness goals.

It just goes to show that generalized nutrition advice can not only be unhelpful, but it can actually be harmful!

One Warrior Fit client experienced this frustration first-hand.

An Isolating Diagnosis

Five years ago, Megan was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. In just under two years, she had gained 30 pounds and was on the highest dose of medication she had ever been on. The change in her body was frustrating, and she desperately tried multiple different diets to try and regain her shape, but none of them worked.

To make matters worse, her doctor’s advice to “move more and eat less” left her feeling helpless, stuck, and alone in her struggles. She spent years feeling like she was doing “everything right” but never saw the results she wanted.

Warrior Fit - The Catalyst for Change

Finally, Megan found Warrior Fit Academy. She started working with me (Heather) and my team. In the year she was with us, she has:

  • consistently eaten over 1200 calories 

  • adjusted her life to gluten and dairy free (both cause crazy inflamation with thyroid complications) 

  • her doctor has lowered her thyroid and anxiety meds to very minimal doses and she still feels great 

  • worked out (not cardio) 

  • slept seven plus hours per night 

  • meditated daily 

  • lost 17 lbs and over 20 in!

She would be the first to tell you that this process is not easy! It feels slow, hard, and honestly frustrating at times. However, the changes she’s seen are undeniable. “Heather and her coaches have helped me transform physically, mentally, and in ways I never anticipated.”

Why a personalized approach to health?

The importance of a personalized approach to diet and exercise cannot be overstated! What works for one person may not work for another, especially when dealing with health issues like hypothyroidism. By working with coaches who took the time to learn about Megan and invest in her personalized workout and eating plan, Megan was finally able to not only achieve the physical results she desired, but also the tools to live a life of permanent transformation despite her diagnosis.

True transformation is not impossible, no matter what your circumstance! Warrior Fit Academy is committed to helping people like you find healing and transformation through proper nutrition combined with a holistic lifestyle. 

While the transformation process may feel slow and frustrating at times, it can be sustainable with the right guidance and approach. Investing in your health is always worth it, so what are you waiting for?

Are you ready to write your transformational story? Talk to our coaches today!

If you want to experience permanent transformation and feel like you could use some guidance on next steps, contact us and talk to one of our amazing coaches today for free! We help busy, hard-working people like you achieve freedom with food and sustainable success – for LIFE!


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